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I'm looking for...

1 名前:no name 投稿日:2005/03/22(Tue) 18:13
I'm looking for大村良輔
Do you know him?
Please tell me where he is!!

3 名前:age 投稿日:2006/03/11(Sat) 02:53
I don't know


That sentence and that woman (child) are very disliked!
(Matter of access prohibition)
I do not want never to see.
Therefore, I want to lower the sentence of that woman .
This place was used for that.
>>1 本当にごめんなさい。
This sentence might surely not have the meaning.
It comes to the sentence beginning again.
Though it is sad.

Was my idea transmitted?

掲示板に戻る 全部 前 50 次 50 1 - 50 最新 50 スレ一覧
名前: E-mail(省略可)

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